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Chinabiodiesel industryin2024



Current status ofChina...

Analysis of the Current Situation of the Biodiesel Industry China's biodiesel industry is in a stage of rapid development in 2024

         China's biodiesel industry is in a stage of rapid development.With the increasing awareness of environmental protection and the increasing demand for renewable energy, biodiesel has attracted much attention as a green and renewable alternative fuel.The Chinese government has also introduced a series of policies and measures to encourage and support the development of the biodiesel industry, including preferential tax policies, the construction of biodiesel production bases, etc. At present, China's biodiesel industry has initially formed a certain scale of production capacity, and is in the field of transportation, It has been widely used in aviation, agriculture and other fields.Biodiesel refers to a mixture of complex organic ingredients with extremely high oxygen content made from oil crops, wild oil plants, engineered microalgae and other aquatic plant oils, animal oils, waste cooking oil, etc. through transesterification and other processes.Biodiesel can replace diesel as fuel and is a renewable and clean energy source.Biodiesel technology continues to iterate, with the first generation widely used, the second generation gradually commercialized, and the third generation becoming a future trend.Biodiesel is a typical "green energy" with the characteristics of good environmental protection performance, good engine starting performance, good fuel performance, wide source of raw materials, renewable and other characteristics.Analysis of the Current Situation of the Biodiesel Industry China's biodiesel industry is in a stage of rapid development.With the increasing awareness of environmental protection and the increasing demand for renewable energy, biodiesel has attracted much attention as a green and renewable alternative fuel.The                Chinese government has also introduced a series of policies and measures to encourage and support the development of the biodiesel industry, including preferential tax policies and the construction of biodiesel production bases.At the same time, China has a vast crop planting area and abundant crop waste resources, which provide a solid raw material foundation for biodiesel production.On November 13, 2023, the National Energy Administration issued the "Notice of the National Energy Administration on Organizing and Carrying out Pilot Demonstrations for the Promotion and Application of Biodiesel", stating that the implementation of pilot demonstrations for the promotion and application of biodiesel is to implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, promote the energy revolution, and ensure Beneficial measures for energy security are an effective way to implement new development concepts and help achieve the "double carbon" goal. They are also a powerful means to promote waste recycling and ensure the safety of people's dining tables.The "Notice" clearly points out policy support, and some provinces have expressed positive responses.The "Notice" states that eligible pilot demonstration projects will be given priority to be included in mid- and long-term loan projects in the manufacturing industry for support, and it will actively promote the establishment of biodiesel carbon emission reduction methodologies and promote the inclusion of biodiesel in the national certified voluntary emission reductions (CCER). mechanism to accelerate the realization of the green value of biodiesel.At the same time, the Energy Administration will work with relevant departments to coordinate existing funds and support research on qualified pilot demonstration projects.According to the actual situation, all regions will increase the protection of land and sea factors for pilot demonstration projects, optimize the project approval process, study and provide financial support, and create good conditions for pilot demonstration areas and project construction.On November 21, 2023, the Shandong Provincial Energy Bureau responded quickly to express cooperation, forwarded the "Notice", and called on all departments and units to attach great importance to it, actively carry out work, and submit biodiesel promotion and application pilot projects before November 27, 2023. 

       Demonstrate creating areas and creating projects.According to media reports, my country has begun to develop biodiesel since the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" period and has carried out promotion pilot projects in many places. However, due to shortcomings in raw material supply, market mechanisms, promotion and use, etc., most areas have not promoted it in the end. Up to now, only Shanghai has formed a relatively complete industrial chain.This time, the National Energy Administration investigated Shanghai’s experience and practices and emphasized the orderly promotion and application of biodiesel, which is of great significance.Market participants in the upstream of the biodiesel industry are providers of raw materials for biodiesel production. In my country, they are mainly waste oil collection industries such as gutter oil and acidified oil, including various types of feed oils, methanol, production equipment and equipment, etc.; the midstream main body is biodiesel. It is a manufacturing enterprise responsible for the research and development, production and assembly of biodiesel; the downstream is the terminal application of biodiesel, including industrial fuels, transportation fuels, industrial solvents, industrial lubricants, bioester plasticizers, industrial glycerin, etc.The current key listed companies in my country's biodiesel industry include Hisinentech, Zhuoyue New Energy, Hebei Jingu, Jia'ao Environmental Protection, Bimei New Energy, Shandong HSBC, etc.Biodiesel production in my country mainly uses "gutter oil", mainly waste kitchen grease, and oil residue from the grease industry as raw materials. Compared with traditional petrochemical diesel, it can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 80%.In fact, my country has been piloting the promotion of biodiesel for nearly 20 years.Ding Yan, an expert from the Jiangsu Province Petroleum Distribution Industry Association, said that so far, apart from Shanghai, which has formed a relatively complete industrial system of 'collection, transportation, processing, transfer and use', it has not been promoted elsewhere.Talking about the reasons, Ding Yan pointed out that waste kitchen grease has many sources and is widely distributed. The entire collection is difficult and requires high management capabilities. Many places have not established a complete recycling system, resulting in the inability to form a stable supply of raw materials.To ensure that the carbon neutrality goal is achieved as scheduled, sufficient attention must be paid to the promotion of biodiesel.First,

         we must strengthen top-level design, establish a priority utilization mechanism for biomass energy products, and introduce a terminal subsidy policy for biomass briquette fuel.Secondly, it is necessary to improve the market and institutional environment, and improve the industrial chain of biomass briquette fuel from raw material collection, storage, pretreatment to briquette fuel production, distribution and application, especially the organic integration of food waste treatment and biodiesel industry.In addition, it is necessary to strengthen technological innovation, encourage enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and launch high value-added products to open up a broader market.The report analyzes the supply and demand situation, development status, and sub-industry development changes of my country's biodiesel industry. It focuses on the development status of the domestic and foreign biodiesel industry, how to face industry development challenges, industry development suggestions, and industry competitiveness. , as well as industry investment analysis and trend forecasts, etc.The report also synthesizes the overall development trends of the biodiesel industry and provides reference suggestions and specific solutions for the industry in terms of products.

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