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Sichuan Chengwei Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Group Co., Ltd.
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New consumption highlights market vitality...

         New consumption highlights market vitality, mainly reflects the expansion and expansion of new consumption, implementation of digital consumption, green consumption and healthy consumption

    The government work report proposes to cultivate and expand new consumption, implement policies to promote digital consumption, green consumption, and healthy consumption, and actively cultivate new consumption growth points such as smart homes, entertainment and tourism, sports events, and domestic “trendy products”.Many representatives said that new consumption has good growth potential, strong innovation and high adaptability. It plays an important role in improving people's living needs and promoting and leading industrial upgrading. It has become a new space for consumption growth and a new direction for economic development. kinetic energy.Looking back on the past year, new consumption in various places has grown rapidly and has many bright spots. Zibo and "Erbin" have become popular, and they have sincerely entertained customers and "splashed the sky with wealth"; there are new energy vehicles and wearable devices that are popular in the market, and energy-saving Environmental protection enables low-carbon life; there are also new Chinese-style outfits, time-honored Internet celebrities are in the limelight, and national style and national charm demonstrate cultural confidence... The booming new consumption reflects the people's yearning for a higher quality and better life, and has also witnessed The resilience and vitality of China’s consumer market.With multiple breakthroughs in technological innovation and industrial upgrading, as well as accelerated changes in lifestyle and consumer demand, new consumption will usher in greater room for growth.However, cultivating and expanding new consumption still faces many bottlenecks.On the one hand, the "homogenization" phenomenon of new consumption is prominent and the potential for innovation is insufficient.Take the cultural tourism market as an example. Wherever a place becomes popular, other places will follow suit and imitate, lacking design and planning that reflect its own characteristics.As more and more consumers return to rationality and pay attention to the cultural connotation and personalized experience of travel products, this kind of "random" traffic will obviously not last long.On the other hand, the allocation of new infrastructure such as 5G networks and data centers is still uneven among different regions, the supply chain system to adapt to new consumption needs to be improved, and the overall consumption environment also needs to be optimized.To cultivate and expand new consumption, we need to target new consumption demands and trends, continuously enrich and innovate high-quality consumer supply, and make the people willing to pay for high-quality products and services.It is necessary to seize the development opportunities of digital transformation and use advanced technological means to better establish an interactive mechanism between consumers, enterprises and brands, to promote more efficient information flow and more authentic word-of-mouth presentation.It is necessary to create more interactive, immersive and experiential consumption scenarios to better satisfy consumers’ eager pursuit of atmosphere, ritual and belonging.Of course, we must continue to work hard to steadily increase residents' income levels and create a safe and secure consumption environment to eliminate worries and effectively boost consumer confidence.(Source of this article: Economic Daily Author: Tong Yunfei)

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