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Sichuan Chengwei Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Group Co., Ltd.
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Low-Carbon Cycle Recommendations



Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Establishment and Improvement of a Green, Low-Carbon and Circular Development Economic System Guofa [2021] No. 4 The peopl···...

   Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Accelerating the Establishment and Improvement of a Green, Low-Carbon and Circular Development Economic System

   Guofa [2021] No. 4 The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, all ministries and commissions of the State Council, and all institutions directly under the Central Government:

  Perfecting a green, low-carbon and circular development economy, establishing an economic system, and promoting a comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development are the basic strategies for solving my country's resource, environmental and ecological problems.In order to implement the deployment of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and accelerate the establishment and improvement of an economic system for green, low-carbon and circular development, the following opinions are hereby offered.

 1. General requirements (1) Guiding ideology.Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, fully implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, and earnestly implement the decisions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council Deploy, unswervingly implement the new development concept, and implement green planning, green design, green investment, green construction, green production, green circulation, green life, and green consumption in all aspects of the whole process, so that development is based on efficient use of resources and strict protection of ecology. On the basis of the environment and effective control of greenhouse gas emissions, coordinate the promotion of high-quality development and high-level protection, establish and improve an economic system for green, low-carbon and circular development, ensure that carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals are achieved, and promote my country's green development to a new level. steps.(2) Working principles.Stick to key breakthroughs.Focusing on energy conservation and environmental protection, clean production, and clean energy, etc., take the lead in making breakthroughs, do a good job in the integrated development of agriculture, manufacturing, service industry and information technology, and comprehensively drive the green upgrade of primary, secondary and tertiary industries and infrastructure.Adhere to innovation leadership.Deeply promote technological innovation, model innovation, and management innovation, accelerate the construction of a market-oriented green technology innovation system, implement new business models, and build a powerful and effective policy support system.Adhere to steady progress.We will do a good job in the organic integration of green transformation with economic development, technological progress, industrial continuity, job stabilization, and improvement of people's livelihood, and promote it in an active, stable, resilient and lasting manner.Adhere to market orientation.In the green transformation, give full play to the guiding role of the market, the main role of enterprises, and the role of various market transaction mechanisms to inject strong impetus into green development.(3) Main objectives.By 2025, the industrial structure, energy structure, and transportation structure will be significantly optimized; Efficiency has been greatly improved, the total discharge of major pollutants has continued to decrease, the intensity of carbon emissions has been significantly reduced, the ecological environment has continued to improve, the market-oriented green technology innovation system has become more complete, the legal, regulatory and policy system has become more effective, and a green, low-carbon and circular development of production systems, The circulation system and the consumption system were initially formed.By 2035, the endogenous driving force for green development will be significantly enhanced, the scale of green industries will reach a new level, the energy and resource utilization efficiency of key industries and products will reach the international advanced level, and green production and lifestyle will be widely formed. , the ecological environment has fundamentally improved, and the goal of building a beautiful China has been basically achieved.2. Improve the production system for green, low-carbon and circular development (4) Promote green industrial upgrading.Accelerate the implementation of green transformation of steel, petrochemical, chemical, non-ferrous, building materials, textile, paper, leather and other industries.Promote green product design and build a green manufacturing system.Vigorously develop the remanufacturing industry, and strengthen the certification, promotion and application of remanufactured products.Build resource comprehensive utilization bases to promote comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste.Fully implement cleaner production, and implement mandatory cleaner production audits in "double super double high energy consumption" industries in accordance with the law.Improve the identification method of "scattered and polluted" enterprises, and implement measures such as shutting down and banning, integrating and relocating, and rectifying and upgrading.Speed up the implementation of the pollutant discharge permit system.Strengthen the management of hazardous waste in the industrial production process.(5) Accelerate the green development of agriculture.Encourage the development of ecological planting and ecological breeding, and strengthen the certification and management of green food and organic agricultural products.Develop ecological recycling agriculture, improve the level of resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure, promote the comprehensive utilization of crop straws, and strengthen the control of agricultural film pollution.Strengthen the protection and improvement of cultivated land quality, and promote comprehensive management of degraded cultivated land.Develop the forestry circular economy and implement the construction project of forest ecological label products.Vigorously promote agricultural water-saving and popularize high-efficiency water-saving technologies.Promote healthy aquaculture.Implement actions to reduce the use of pesticides and veterinary antimicrobials and purify the environment in the production area.Strengthen the unified planning of tidal flats in aquaculture waters in accordance with the law.Improve the fishing ban management system in relevant waters.Promote the deep integration of agriculture and tourism, education, culture, health and other industries, and accelerate the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries.(6) Improve the green development level of the service industry.Promote the green upgrade of commercial and trade enterprises, and cultivate a group of green circulation entities.Orderly develop the sharing economy in areas such as travel and accommodation, and standardize the development of idle resource transactions.Accelerate the green transformation of the information service industry, do a good job in the green construction and renovation of large and medium-sized data centers and network computer rooms, and establish a green operation and maintenance system.Promote the green development of the exhibition industry, guide the formulation of industry-related green standards, and promote the recycling of exhibition facilities.Promote the use of raw and auxiliary materials with low volatile organic content in the auto repair, decoration and other industries.Advocate hotels, catering and other industries not to take the initiative to provide disposable products.(7) Expand the green environmental protection industry.Build a number of national green industry demonstration bases, and promote the formation of an open, collaborative and efficient innovation ecosystem.Accelerate the cultivation of market players, encourage the establishment of mixed-ownership companies, and create a number of large-scale green industry groups; guide small and medium-sized enterprises to focus on their main business to enhance their core competitiveness, and cultivate "specialized, specialized, and new" small and medium-sized enterprises.Implement contracted energy management, contracted water-saving management, third-party governance of environmental pollution and other models and environmental trusteeship services oriented to the effect of environmental governance.Further liberalize the competitive business of energy conservation and environmental protection in the fields of petroleum, chemical, electric power, and natural gas, and encourage public institutions to implement energy trusteeship services.Revise the green industry guidance catalogue in a timely manner to guide the direction of industry development.(8) Improve the recycling level of industrial parks and industrial clusters.Scientifically formulate development and construction plans for new industrial parks, carry out planning environmental impact assessments in accordance with laws and regulations, strictly enforce access standards, improve the circular industrial chain, and promote the formation of industrial circular coupling.Promote the circular transformation of existing industrial parks and industrial clusters, and promote the co-construction and sharing of public facilities, energy cascade utilization, resource recycling, and centralized and safe disposal of pollutants.Encourage the construction of comprehensive energy projects in which multiple energy sources such as electricity, heat, cooling, and gas are synergistic and mutually beneficial.Encourage chemical and other industrial parks to build facilities for centralized storage, pretreatment and disposal of hazardous waste.(9) Build a green supply chain.Encourage enterprises to carry out green design, select green materials, implement green procurement, create green manufacturing processes, promote green packaging, carry out green transportation, and do a good job in recycling waste products, so as to achieve green environmental protection throughout the product cycle.Select about 100 enterprises with high enthusiasm, great social influence, and strong driving role to carry out green supply chain pilot projects, and explore the establishment of a green supply chain system.Encourage industry associations to improve the green level of industry supply chains by formulating norms, consulting services, and industry self-discipline.3. Improve the circulation system for green, low-carbon and circular development (10) Create green logistics.Actively adjust the transportation structure, promote multimodal transportation such as molten iron, highway-railway, and public-water transportation, and speed up the construction of special railway lines.Strengthen the organization and management of logistics and transportation, speed up the construction of relevant public information platforms and information sharing, and develop drop and pull transportation and joint distribution.Promote green and low-carbon transportation vehicles, phase out, update or renovate old vehicles and ships, and give priority to the use of new energy or clean energy vehicles in areas such as port and airport services, urban logistics distribution, postal express delivery, etc. standardization.Accelerate the construction of port shore power facilities, and support airports in the construction and application of alternative equipment for aircraft auxiliary power units.Support logistics enterprises to build digital operation platforms, encourage the development of smart warehousing and smart transportation, and promote the establishment of a standardized pallet recycling system.

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